Sol Organica

Sol Organica, based in Nicaragua, buys tropical fruits from smallholder farmers and processes them into dried fruit, purees, and juices for consumers and manufacturers around the world.
Sol Organica’s consumer brand, Sol Simple, produces all natural and certified organic dried fruit such as mangoes, bananas and pineapple.

Sol Organica

Why we love the company

They teach their farmers organic practices, certify them organic, and bring their produce to the global market. The farmers earn several times more money for their fruit than they could otherwise

Sol Organica’s consumer brand, Sol Simple, produces all natural and certified organic dried fruit such as mangoes, bananas and pineapple. Sourced from local farmers, the fruit is dried using solar powered ovens, then cut and packaged by workers from the local community. These products are sold through Whole Foods, Amazon, and other major retailers.

Sol Organica also provides pureed fruit to companies like Jamba Juice and others, for use in smoothies and a variety of other food and juice products.

Sol Organica and Sol Simple are committed to providing for the socioeconomic advancement of smallholder farmers, single mothers, and their respective producing areas by way of technical assistance, organic input distribution, credit programs.


Sol Organica’s Mission

Through socially responsible and environmentally friendly business practices, Sol Organica’s goal is to not only provide customers with high quality products, but to inspire consumers to become agents of change and rethink where their food comes from.

Sol Organica’s mission is to connect conscientious consumers in export markets with smallholder farmers in tropical countries through quality, sustainably produced natural products.

Sol Organica is working to change those statistics by offering farmers financial training workshops, opening bank accounts for individual farmers and cooperatives, paying above market value for crops, and offering jobs to single mothers in rural communities.


Regenerative Organic Agriculture:
The Growing Revolution

Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to food, farming, and ranching systems that rejects pesticides and artificial fertilizers while focusing on soil health and the wellbeing of animals, workers, and farming communities.

In 2017, a coalition of agriculture and food system leaders united to address the issues of soil depletion, global warming, and climate change within our food system. The result of these conversations was a certificate that leverages existing high-bar organic, animal welfare, and regenerative requirements into one: the Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC).

Sol Organica’s Regenerative Agriculture Program

Sol Organica was invited to participate in the first ever Regenerative Organic Certification pilot program, which began in the summer of 2018. Our regenerative agriculture program focuses on rebuilding organic matter in soils, restoring biodiversity, carbon drawdown and increasing farm productivity while continuing to foster the growth and well-being of our Nicaraguan farming communities.

From Sol Organica: “We are honored to have been selected for this ground-breaking program that will set new industry standards and change the way consumers and businesses view responsible sourcing, sustainable farming, and ethical business practices.

Contact us at to discover how we can partner together on your regenerative agriculture project or visit to learn more about the Regenerative Organic Certification.”